"Madame B" Butterfly Poster
1926 American Vogue cover Poster
A Basket Of Fruit In A Landscape
A Bear and a Lynx
A Bull and a Horned Animal
A Cairo Bazaar
A Cheetah and a wild Sheep
A Cow
A Crocodile, a Hippopotomus, a Land Crocodile or Tegu Lizard, and a Crocodile or Spiny-Tailed Lizard with a Papyrus Plant.
A Cross Fox, a Hyena, Baboon, a ‘Sea Wolf,’ and a Gulon 'Wolverine'
A Dappled Grey Stallion Tethered In A Landscape
A Day At The Museum Poster
A Day’s Pleasure Poster
A Donkey and a Mule
A Fat-Tailed Sheep, a Sheep with a Long Tail, a ‘Cassia purgatrix,’ and Other Plants
A Finite View of Infinity
A Grecian Harvest Home
A Hare, ‘Jackalope,’ a Rabbit, and a Spotted Squirrel
A Hermann’s or Greek Tortoise, Two European Pond Turtles, and Two Fritillaria
A Hound and a Water Spaniel
A Night in May
A part of the wall crumbled with a terrible noise
A Perch of Birds
A Pig with Acorns
A Poplar-Lined Avenue with Turkeys
A Pottery Seller In Old Cairo
A Pumpkin used as a Fishing Boat
A Sloth
A Slug with Snails
A Still Life With A Bouillette Lamp
A Variety of Oxen with a Ram and a Water Buffalo by a Plane Tree
A Wild Goat and a Barbary Sheep
A Wink Poster
A Young Daughter of the Picts